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Moose Riders donate to Just Our Soldiers Helpers
The West Volusia Moose Riders, that are based out of the West Volusia Moose Lodge 2538 in Deltona, recently hosted a charity motorcycle run to raise funds for Just Our Soldiers’ Helpers or J.O.S.H. There were a total 113 participants who either rode motorcycles or did the ride in vehicles. Some of the participants were individuals and some were from other motorcycle groups. The West Volusia Moose Riders have been supporting J.O.S.H. since 2013. Through auctions and other fundraising efforts that were held on February 23, they raised a total of $12,100. They donated 100% of the proceeds to J.O.S.H. and presented the check on March 1. All of the money raised at the event will be used by J.O.S.H. to purchase care package items for US Troops who are deployed to locations that place them in harm’s way. Pictured (l to r) Front Row - Dennis Hewitt, Kathy Hewitt (Founder), Anne Dorton, Jo Coates, Sherri Osborne. Back Row - Jon Shingledecker, Mandy Thompson, Doug Ward, Diane Shannon, Dale Lucas, Bonna Kunzeman, Annette Watkins. For info on JOSH or to donate go to www.justoursoldiershelpers.org .